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Something We All Seem to Agree On: Campaign Finance Reform

We discuss Pennsylvania voters' opinions of campaign finance reform, using data from our August 2023 poll.

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The Trump Indictments

How will the Trump indictments factor into voters' preferences in the 2024 election? Right now, the data suggest a close race, with few historical precedents to guide our understanding of what might happen.

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Franklin & Marshall Poll Release: August 2023

This month's poll explores the Republican presidential primary race, the indictments of former President Trump, ratings of political figures, economic issues, and climate change.

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Presidential Job Approval and Biden's Re-Election Chances in Pennsylvania

We compare President Biden's ratings with the ratings of other first-term governors and presidents in Pennsylvania to see what they tell us about his chances of carrying the state in 2024.

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Demographic, Attitudinal, and Electoral Changes in Pennsylvania Partisans Since 2000

We review some long-term trends in the partisan alignment of the state's voters, looking at demographic and attitudinal sorting, geographic realignment, and two issues--gun control and abortion. What does this mean for the state's electoral politics?

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Which Party is More Mainstream?

We assess how Pennsylvania voters perceive Republican and Democratic positions on seven important issues. Which party is better aligned with majority opinion?

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Looking Ahead to the 2024 U.S. Senate Race

What can the April F&M poll tell us about the relative appeal of the two Republicans who have discussed running in Pennsylvania? We take a look at Senator Casey's chances against both Doug Mastriano and David McCormick.

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Franklin & Marshall College Poll Release: April 2023

The first poll of the year explores the mood of Pennsylvania's voters, feelings about the economy, stands on issues like the death penalty, crime, basic education, elections, and ratings of state political figures.

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Nationalization in Pennsylvania's 2022 Midterm Races

This month's newsletter examines split-district voting in Pennsylvania state house elections to see how much nationalization exists, and how this voter behavior has changed over time.

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Untangling and Explaining Voter Preferences in Our 2022 Midterm Surveys

We review the 2022 F&M polls about the Pennsylvania midterm elections, discuss how the choices we made affected how we thought about the races, and consider the lessons we will remember for future surveys.