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Have Pennsylvania's Recent Voting Reforms Produced Less Down-Ballot Voting?

Did the 2019 voting reforms--specifically elimination of straight-party ticket voting--reduce the number of people who voted in down-ballot races in the 2020 election?

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Franklin & Marshall Poll Release: June 2021

This month's poll: voter opinion on climate change, COVID-19 vaccinations, election reform, the economy, and how well elected officials are doing their jobs.

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A Final Look at the 2021 Pennsylvania Primary Election

Do the results of the 2021 municipal primaries provide any clues about voter sentiment heading into the 2022 mid-term elections?

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Ballot Initiative Experiment

We discuss the results of an experiment conducted to understand how the wording of a ballot question influences the way people respond.

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The 2022 Primary Elections: Political Catnip

What can the results of past years' high profile primary contests tell us about how the 2022 midterm elections may play out?

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Democracy & Party Factions

What do Pennsylvanians think about the state of democracy in the United States?

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Franklin & Marshall Poll Release: March 2021

The survey asked about a wide range of topics, including the direction of the state and the economy, marijuana legalization, minimum wage, climate change, COVID-19 vaccinations, President Biden's job approval ratings, and the legacy of former President Trump.

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Ballot Initiatives: How Wording Matters

In light of the dispute over the 2021 ballot questions regarding emergency disaster declarations, we show how question wording can affect results.

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Are Pennsylvania Voters Fleeing from the Republican Party?

Has the Republican Party in Pennsylvania lost voters since the 2020 election? We look at changes in voter registration over the past two decades.

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Assessing the 2020 Pennsylvania Election Polls

Our first newsletter reviews the 2020 polls and offers recommendations about how those interested in politics can best use polling information.